Tuesday, February 02, 2010

She Love ME, She Loves ME NOT!

As the month of love continues to blossom, the debate over whether women should or should not receive annual breast cancer screenings, including costly mammograms, continues to confuse the public like a Wolfman movie opening on Valentine's weekend. We look at this debate through the lens of Saint Valentine's Hallmark holiday month, to engage a deeper meaning into what it means to love oneself and other's without being irrational about the power of blind devotion to a powerful entity. The hypocrisy of this recommendation handed down by our federal government that calls for increasing the age limit of breast cancer screening is the case in point. Where the United States Preventative Services Task Force clearly gets it wrong is by telling DOCTORS to halt their primary oath to care for people to the BEST of their ability, which usually means helping the uninformed or inarticulate understand the risks of being a woman in today's American and global society. Since there has not been any significant changes in the American diet, or in the standard of living or education for the general public, it makes a declaration to discontinue mammograms arrogant and disingenuous considering the climate the US has created for women to make decisions concerning their health.


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