Friday, August 31, 2007

The Denise Roberts Breast Cancer Foundation moves to new offices at the Centinela Freeman Medical Center in Inglewood, CA.

I was kind of bummed that we had to cancel Founder's Day
this year, but I soon realized that it was the best decision we have made. A few weeks after we made the executive decision to postpone our annual Founder's Day celebration indefinitely, the lessor who we were subleasing our office from, was evicted and we were subject to not being able to access the building as well. It was a stressful experience that my mother, Denise Roberts, who is celebrating 20 years of living from surviving breast cancer, shouldn't have had to go through.

But the light at the end of the tunnel was bright, and after several weeks of searching for a new location, we were offered space at the Centinela Freeman Medical Center in Inglewood, CA. This couldn't be a more perfect location, as our office is now adjacent to a breast screening center. Centinela Freeman has underwritten our office for one year. During this time, TDRBCF has its work cut out, but the mission remains the educate minority women and men about breast health, early cancer detection, and breast cancer treatment options. The foundation and its volunteers are committed to being a sturdy rock in tumultuous water. TDRBCF will continue to give free mammograms to uninsured women under the age of 40. I have faith in this mission and I have faith in this woman -- Denise Roberts.

Heaven Roberts